hi hi! ^^ sehat? heeee.... ehem2 maafkan saya. ASsalamualaikum smua.. :) ASA!( ALRIGHT) today my mood is very2 in a good mode.. hehehe (OH MY ENGLISH!) :P so dis entry would be 'coret2' about my mood now.. ahakss.. >.<
FYI, today ( 13/6/2012) is my last day in UMP for being 1st year student of engineering :) n Also my "lastt payyyperrr" done today! woohhoo! ( but last paper always not very easy question) hahaha :p btw "GOOD JOB / WELLDONE" to ME as well haha becoz be able to finish that last paper walaupun paper last tdi ceq xde mood nk jawab heee ( ok kalao saudara mara yg baca ni, shut ur mouth down jgn kasi tau mak! t ceq xmo kawan!)

soklan lat paper tdi berbelit mcm figure nih -_-"
TAPI... ha ade tpi gak. wlpon hepy.. huhu tapi sriusly! sy sgt boring skrang! x thu nk buat apa... -_-" rasa mcm nk study...( ok tipuu je) kekeke :p OH YA! lupa nk citer.. masa MYbirthday ( 1 jun) ritu kaaan, smua kawan2 lam fb n twitter wish..( wlpun ada yg wish x ikhlas pun)huhu tpi yg sedih my family, sorg pun xde yg wish.. ( ok angah kata dye terlupa sbb penat bercuti..urk -_-" ) seddih wooo.. xpelah tpi 4 jun angah wish balik..alah kire oklah tu drpd dye x ingt langsung. huh -_-"

oklah sy dh xde apa nk citer tu je.. "nak kabo" hehehe :P mood kembali hepy sbb tdi dpt eskrim percuma dr abang cafe..woot2. ai rembat 3 eskrim.. kkekekeke :P ( untung kan? jgn jelezz ) [ pict wif my frend fatin raihanah =) ]

Thanks to my nice viewers n readers ^_^ thanks sbb sudi buang masa anda baca entry yg xseberapa ni.. have a nice day kawaaan :) n to all UMPians happy holidays! yeay!! ( ok now sy masih stuck dkat bilik sorg T_T ) #GSI prihatin...--> " jagn takot dgn musuh yg serang kamu, tapi berhati-hatilah n takotlah kamu dgn 'kawan' yg sdang peluk kamu.. kerana skrang ramai kawan, kawan mkan kawan"
#LuvU #GiveMe5 #SpreadTheLove <3 #foreverMylove.. :) bye-bye!
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