Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jo Jung Suk // Cho Jeong Seok // 조정석

      hello peepz! ^^  so! how's ur day? shining? good.. hahah a( oh my english) ok now i'll 'coret2' pasai my pakwe yg baru..woot2.. hahaha i think i'm fell in love wif jo jung suk.. kekekek :P he's so cute! OMG! i cannot lie annymore.. hahaha *blushing + gediks* :P and now i'll begin my entry today with his "biography" (?)

---->>  here... ;)

Profile Name: 조정석 / Jo Jung Suk (Cho Jeong Seok)

Profession: Actor

Birthdate: 1980-Dec-26

Height: 175cm

Weight: 64kg

Blood type: B

Star sign: Capricorn ,Graduating with a Theater degree from Seoul Institute of the Arts,

 FYI, errr malu nk cakap.. ekceli sy ni jenis bukan yg sgt mudah 'tergila-gilakan' actror/artis korean.. but when i watching drama korean "KING 2 HEART"  i think i like Jo jung suk! :) <3 ( gediks bukan?) hahah memang gediks.... TAPI dia sgt comel!  nk thu setakat mana kebenaran kecomelan dia? satg ai akn share pict2 Jo jung SUK ^^ *wink*
     Ohya!! see see.. his blood type same with me as well.. haha ( bangga siot! dah la comel org nyer hensem lak tu.. haha kalah pict background) ok i think i'll change my blog's background kekekek JANGAN marah erk? :p

[ok i'm gonna dream this oppa tonight!! haha ] --urk.. =_=" memang x sopan betol  kan? Ya Tuhan, ampunkan saya.. :'( cannot help myself sbb dye ni comel sgt..huhuhu :p

 [ this posing i like the most! comel kan?! "senyuman mu menawan, kau buat hati ku tertawan.."haha ]

[ perghhh handsome right??] 

oklah thats all for tonight :)  thanks to alls my nice viewers, and readers..because u alls sudi sakitkan mata n sudi bertahan dgn kegedikan sy mlm ni..haha >.<

#GSI prihatin---->> " xsalah kalao nk 'berhibur', n sukakn seseorg artis itu, tapi jgn sampai kita terlalu taksub..okeh? lebih baik kita kenal rasul kita... bagi sy, RASULULLAH lg Handsome DRpd jo JUNG suk..heheeh sbb HATI DAN BUDI RASUL tersANGATlah HANDSOME! ^^ & entry KALi ni.. just for fun.. :) sbb sy SANGAT SUKA TGOK oRG NI SENYUM!! ^_^ lagipun sy tgok ramai yg TWIT2  tergila-gilakn EUN SHI KYUNG ni ( jo jung suk ) ^^ 

THE END OF MY ENTRY--->> #GSI #LuvU #GiveMe5 #SpreadThelove..      
#ForeverMyLove -> ALLAH N RaSulNYA( muhammad s.a.w)   :)
 <3 ^^

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

hari yang paling SYEKSYI bagiKU

 hi hi! ^^ sehat? heeee.... ehem2 maafkan saya. ASsalamualaikum smua.. :) ASA!( ALRIGHT) today my mood is very2 in a good mode.. hehehe (OH MY ENGLISH!) :P so dis entry would be 'coret2' about my mood now.. ahakss.. >.<
           FYI, today ( 13/6/2012) is my last day in UMP for being 1st year student of engineering :) n Also my "lastt payyyperrr" done today! woohhoo! ( but last paper always not very easy question) hahaha :p btw "GOOD JOB / WELLDONE" to ME as well haha becoz be able to finish that last paper  walaupun paper last tdi ceq xde mood nk jawab heee ( ok kalao saudara mara yg baca ni, shut ur mouth down jgn kasi tau mak! t ceq xmo kawan!)
soklan lat paper tdi berbelit mcm figure nih -_-" 

           TAPI... ha ade tpi gak. wlpon hepy.. huhu tapi sriusly! sy sgt boring skrang! x thu nk buat apa... -_-" rasa mcm nk study...( ok tipuu je) kekeke :p OH YA! lupa nk citer.. masa MYbirthday ( 1 jun) ritu kaaan, smua kawan2 lam fb n twitter wish..( wlpun ada yg wish x ikhlas pun)huhu tpi yg sedih my family, sorg pun xde yg wish.. ( ok angah kata dye terlupa sbb penat bercuti..urk -_-" ) seddih wooo.. xpelah tpi 4 jun angah wish balik..alah kire oklah tu drpd dye x ingt langsung. huh -_-"

   oklah sy dh xde apa nk citer tu je.. "nak kabo" hehehe :P  mood kembali hepy sbb tdi dpt eskrim percuma dr abang cafe..woot2. ai rembat 3 eskrim.. kkekekeke :P ( untung kan? jgn jelezz ) [ pict wif my frend fatin raihanah =) ]

Thanks to my nice viewers n readers ^_^ thanks sbb sudi buang masa anda baca entry yg xseberapa ni.. have a nice day kawaaan :) n to all UMPians happy holidays! yeay!! ( ok now sy masih stuck dkat bilik sorg T_T )   #GSI prihatin...--> " jagn takot dgn musuh yg serang kamu, tapi berhati-hatilah n takotlah kamu dgn 'kawan' yg sdang peluk kamu.. kerana skrang ramai kawan, kawan mkan kawan"
 #LuvU #GiveMe5 #SpreadTheLove <3 #foreverMylove.. :) bye-bye!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


 HELLO ppl! ^^ dah lama sy x update blog kan? heheheh :P so! errr korang ni baca x tajuk nih???? ok.. kalao baca baguslah x yah sy ulang bnyk kali "BILA JARI JEMARI NAKAL MERABA..."!!!!
          OKlah sblum tu sy citer dulu erkk pasal 'KEGEMURUHAN'/ 'KERISAUAN' sy.. apa korg xmo thu?!! HAIP! xkire kena amik thu gak.. :p sy rasa smua dh thu yg this week Final EXam sedang Mengganas! hahaha...( ok ayt mengganas xbrape sesuai).  FYI sy dah lepas 2 subjek iaitu subjek CALculuihh( applied calculus) & ANaKem( analytical chemistry) dan dan dan... yg paling sy Frustrating sgt ialah subjek ANakem!! argghhhhhhhh! rasa mcm nk gelak guling2 atas lantai dewan exam, n buat lompat bintang.. -_-" ni smua pasal HINT exam tula.. hahaha bagi hint perghhh ( apa lagi study week sy study hint jelah) bila jawab paper, MAKkk aiih!! yg kuar (hint) 2 soklan je?!! hahaha... oklah korg mesti dh bosan kan? ok ok.. sy citerlah pasal "BILA JARI JEMARI NAKAL MERABA" tu.. ~_~

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