Sunday, December 11, 2011



Literature review
Conclusion and recommendation


This experiment is about calorimeter. This experiment was divided into two parts, Part A and Part B.  Part A was carried out to determine the specific heat of metal, where copper was used in this experiment.Part B was carried out to determine the quantity and direction of heat flow for the dissolution of a salt, which was natriumthiosulphate, Na2S3O2.
For part A and B, polyform cups filled with water were used as the calorimeters. Thermometer was used to measure the change of temperature when the substances were added into each calorimeter. For Part A, copper was heated in a water bath, and then transferred into the calorimeter. The temperature of the water bath, the initial temperature and temperature change in calorimeter were measured with a thermometer. The weights of water and copper were also measured with an electronic balance. This information obtained from the experiment was used to calculate the specific heat of copper.
 For Part B, the salt Na2S2O3is added into water where it dissoluted. Similar to Part A, the information and result were recorded to calculate for the quantity of heat transferred, and the direction of transfer.
During the experiment, several errors occurred. As too much time was taken to transfer the substances into the calorimeter, there was heat transfer between the surrounding and the substances. Na2S2O3 salt did not dissolve completely after swirling, causing the reaction to be incomplete. Besides, the heat from the apparatus might be absorbed into the water and substances. Heat was also produced during the stirring process. There were some errors when the readings of the temperature and the weight of calorimeter, water, copper and Na2S2O3were taken.

A calorimeter from Latin, meaning heat and it is a device used for calorimetry, the science of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes as well as heat capacity.A simple calorimeter just consists of a thermometer attached to a metal container full of water suspended above a combustion chamber.Differential scanning calorimeters, isothermal micro calorimeters, titration calorimeters and accelerated rate calorimeters are among the most common types.
            The world’s first ice-calorimeter, used in the winter of 1782-83, by Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre-Simon Laplace, to determine the heat evolved in various chemical changes; calculations which were based on Joseph Black’s prior discovery of latent heat. These experiments mark the foundation of  thermo chemistry. I this experiment, we use Styrofoam cup. It is a coffee cup calorimeter - usually filled with water, include a lid on the cup with an inserted fact, the quantity of energy gained or lost is given by the equation:
Q = mwater•Cwater•ΔTwater
Where Cwater is 4.18 J/g/°C.
            The mass of water and the temperature change of the water in the coffee cup calorimeter can be measured; the quantity of energy gained or lost by the water can be calculated.if an attempt is being made to determine the specific heat of fusion of ice using a coffee cup calorimeter, then the assumption is that the energy gained by the ice when melting is equal to the energy lost by the surrounding water.It is assumed that there is a heat exchange between the ice and the water in the cup and that no other objects are involved in the heat exchanged and the equation could be given as below:
                        Qice = - Qsurroundings = -Qcalorimeter
The heat exchanged in a calorimeter should be between the water and the system; heat should not be lost to the surrounding air.The change in temperature is determined by measuring the initial temperature, T1, of the reactants, and the maximum temperature, T2, of the contents of the calorimeter during the exothermic reaction

Heat capacity (C) is the amount of heat (q) required to raise the temperature of an object one degree Celsius.
The units for heat capacity are J/oC.
(The unit is read as Joules per degree Celsius).
The equation which describes this relationship is:

C = q/DT
 C = is the heat capacity of the object
          q = is the amount of heat entering or leaving the object
            The change in temperature
(DT) of the object is defined as:  DT = Tfinal - Tinitial

A positive value for heat (+q) means that heat is absorb into the system. And a negative value for heat (-q ) means that heat is release from the system.

Literature view

Calorimetry, derived from the Latin calor meaning heat, and the Greek metry meaning to measure, is the science of measuring the amount of heat. All calorimetric techniques are therefore based on the measurement of heat that may be generated (exothermic process), consumed (endothermic process) or simply dissipated by a sample. There are numerous methods to measure such heat, and since calorimetry's advent in the late 18th century, a large number of techniques have been developed. Initially techniques were based on simple thermometric (temperature measurement) methods, but more recently, advances in electronics and control have added a new dimension to calorimetry, enabling users to collect data and maintain samples under conditions that were previously not possible.

Example of specific heat depend on temperature
To illustrate the role of various degrees of freedom in storing heat, we may consider nitrogen, a diatomic molecule that has five active degrees of freedom at room temperature: the three comprising translational motion plus two rotational degrees of freedom internally. Although the constant-volume molar heat capacity of nitrogen at this temperature is five-thirds that of monatomic gases, on a per-mole of atoms basis, it is five-sixths that of a monatomic gas. The reason for this is the loss of a degree of freedom due to the bond when it does not allow storage of thermal energy. Two separate nitrogen atoms would have a total of six degrees of freedom—the three translational degrees of freedom of each atom. When the atoms are bonded the molecule will still only have three translational degrees of freedom, as the two atoms in the molecule move as one. However, the molecule cannot be treated as a point object, and the moment of inertia has increased sufficiently about two axes to allow two rotational degrees of freedom to be active at room temperature to give five degrees of freedom. The moment of inertia about the third axis remains small, as this is the axis passing through the centres of the two atoms, and so is similar to the small moment of inertia for atoms of a monatomic gas. Thus, this degree of freedom does not act to store heat, and does not contribute to the heat capacity of nitrogen. The heat capacity per atom for nitrogen is therefore less than for a monatomic gas, so long as the temperature remains low enough that no vibrational degrees of freedom are activated.
At higher temperatures, however, nitrogen gas gains two more degrees of internal freedom, as the molecule is excited into higher vibrational modes which store thermal energy. Now the bond is contributing heat capacity, and is contributing more than if the atoms were not bonded. With full thermal excitation of bond vibration, the heat capacity per volume or mole of molecules approaches seven-thirds that of monatomic gases, or seven-sixths of monatomic, on a mole-of-atoms basis. This is now a higher heat capacity per atom than the monatomic figure, because the vibrational mode enables an extra degree of potential energy freedom per pair of atoms, which monatomic gases cannot possess. See thermodynamic temperaturefor more information on translational motions, kinetic (heat) energy, and their relationship to temperature.
However, even at these large temperatures where gaseous nitrogen stores 7/6 ths of the energy per atom of a monatomic gas (making it more efficient at storing energy on an atomic basis), it still only stores 7/12 ths of the maximal per-atom heat capacity of a solid, meaning it is not as efficient on an atomic basis, as substances can be. This is because many of the potential bonds which might be storing potential energy in gaseous nitrogen (as opposed to solid nitrogen) are lacking, because only one of the spacial dimensions for each nitrogen atom offers a bond into which potential energy can be stored, without increasing the kinetic energy of the atom. In general, solids are most efficient, on an atomic basis, at storing thermal energy (that is, they have the highest per-atom or per-mole-of-atoms heat capacity).
The specific heat (s) of a substance is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of the substance by one degree Celsius. The heat capacity (C) of a substance is the amount of heat required to raise the given quantity of the substance by one degree Celsius. Specific heat is an intensive property, whereas heat capacity is an extensive property. The relationship between the heat capacity and specific heat of a substance is
            C = ms
where m is the mass of the substance in grams.
ands is specific heat capacity of substance.
If we know the specific heat and the amount of a substance, then the change in the sample’s temperature (∆t) will tell us the amount of heat (q) that has been absorbed or released in a particular process. The equation for calculating the heat change is given by
q = ms∆t or q = C∆t
where m is the mass of the sample in grams and
 ∆t is the temperature change.
∆t = tfinal– tinitial
The sign convention for q is the same as for enthalpy change; q is positive for endothermic processes and negative for exothermic processes.

·         To determine the specific heat of a metal.
In this experiment, copper was chosen as the metal, where its specific heat was determined from calculation. The results of the experiment provided the information required to calculate the specific  heat.

·         To determine the quantity and direction of heat flow for the dissolution of a salt.
Natriumtiosulphate, Na2S2O3 was used in this experiment. Quantity of heat flow, which is heat capacity, was calculated. The rise or drop in temperature determined the direction of heat flow.


Calorimeter, thermometer, beaker 400 ml, test tube, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, graduated cylinder, three finger clamp, copper, natriumtiosulphate

A. Specific Heat of a Metal.
1.      2g of copper is weighed and transferred into a dry test tube. The test tube is placed in a 400ml beaker. Then, the beaker is filled with water until it is well above the level of the metal sample in the test tube. The water is boiled using a heater and this temperature is maintained for at least 5 minutes so that the metal reaches thermal equilibrium with water. The temperature is recorded.
2.      The mass of the calorimeter is weighed. By using a graduated cylinder, 20.0ml of water is added into the calorimeter. The combined mass of the calorimeter and water is determined. The thermometer is secured with a clamp and positioned below the water surface. The system is allowed 5 minutes to reach thermal equilibrium; then the temperature is recorded over 60 second intervals.
3.      The test tube is removed from the boiling water and only the copper is quickly transferred into the calorimeter. The lid is replaced and the content is stirred gently. The water temperature is recorded as a function of time (about 30 second intervals) for 3 minutes.
4.      The temperature (y axis) versus time (x axis) graph is plotted. ∆T is determined from the curve and then the calculations indicated on the report sheet are done.

B.  Enthalpy (Heat) of Solution for the Dissolution of a Salt
1.      The mass of the dry calorimeter is weighed. Using graduated cylinder, 20.0ml of distilled water is added into the calorimeter and its temperature is recorded. The temperature is recorded for 60 seconds with 15 seconds interval. The combined mass of the calorimeter and water is reweighed. After that, the thermometer is positioned below the water surface.
2.      5.0g of the natriumthiosulphate, Na2S2O3 salt is weighed.
3.      The salt is added to the calorimeter; the lid is replaced and gently stirred until the salt dissolves. The temperature and time is read and recorded at 15 seconds intervals for 3 minutes.
4.       A temperature versus time curve is constructed and ∆T is determined.


A.     Specific Heat of a Metal.

Procedure 1 and 2
Temperature of copper in beaker
Mass of calorimeter
Mass of calorimeter + water
Mass of water
                                                Table 1

Procedure 2
Time (s)
Temperature of water in calorimeter (°C)
                                                            Table 2

Procedure 3

Time (s)
Temperature of copper in calorimeter (°C)
                                                            Table 3

Graph 1

∆Twater = Tfinal(water) – Tintial(water)
= (31.0 – 30.0) °C
= 1.0 °C
∆Tcopper = Tfinal(copper) – Tintial(copper)
 = (31.0 – 82.0) °C
 = - 51.0 °C

Heat lost by copper = - (Heat gained by water)
Specific heat (copper) x mass (copper) x ∆Tcopper = - [Specific heat (water) x mass (water) x ∆Twater]
s x 2.00g  x (- 51.0°C) = - (4.184 J g-1 °C-1 x 19.70g x 1.0°C)
The specific heat for copper is 0.808 Jg-1°C-1.

B.      Enthalpy (Heat) of Solution for the Dissolution of a Salt

Mass of calorimeter
Mass of calorimeter + water
Mass of water
                                                Table 4

Procedure 1
Time (s)
Temperature of water in calorimeter (°C)
                                                            Table 5

Procedure 3
Time (s)
Temperature of Na2S2O3 in calorimeter (°C)
Table 6
Graph 2
Based on the graph,
∆Twater = Tfinal(water) – Tintial(water)
            = 22.0 °C – 24.0 °C
            = - 2.0 °C
Gradient of slope in the graph = (22-24)/(135 – 30)
                                                  = -0.019
Heat lost by water = - (Heat absorbed for the dissolution of Na2S2O3)
Heat lost by water, QH2O = Mass (water) x Specific heat (water) x ∆T
                                             = 19.13 g  x 4.184 J g-1 °C-1  x (- 0.019 °C)
                                             = - 1.525 J
 Heat absorbed for the dissolution of Na2S2O3 is 1.525 J.
The heat flowed from Na2S2O3 to the water.

The water bath done on the copper was to provide the copper an even and stable heating. It was boiled in a heater for about 7 minutes, so that the heat of the copper and the water bath was maintained in thermal equilibrium after a high enough temperature was reached, the temperature of the copper is the same as the temperature of the water bath. To obtain the temperature of water in stable conditions, the water was not used in the calorimeter directly. Instead, it was left to reach thermal equilibrium for 5 minutes, where the rate of heat gained from the surrounding eventually reached the same rate as the heat loss to the surrounding. Even though the copper was transferred into the calorimeter as quickly as possible, there was still some heat loss to the surrounding. The calorimeter is made from styrofoam, which has very low heat absorption, to minimize the heat of copper to be absorbed by the calorimeter itself.
The temperature of the water rose when the copper was added into it, because heat from the copper was transferred to the water. Stirring was done gently and continuously so that the heat of the water was even, thus temperature of the water taken would be more accurate. The graph plotted was not a smooth line. The thermometer was not sensitive enough to measure the slight rise of the water temperature. It has sensitivity up to 0.5 degree Celsius. Therefore, the temperature taken from the measurement had distinct readings, from 30.0 to 30.5 to 31.0.
From this experiment, the specific heat of copper was calculated to be 0.808 Jg-1°C-1. This showed a significant difference from the actual specific heat of copper, which is 0.385 Jg-1°C-1. This might due to the inaccurate reading by the thermometer. Besides, heat gained from the environment would also contribute to a higher specific heat in calculation.
In Part B of the experiment, the water temperature in the calorimeter dropped when Na2S2O3 was added into it. This showed that there was a flow of heat from the water to the salt, Na2S2O3. In the dissolution of salt, the direction of heat flow is from the surrounding to the salt. Heat absorbed from the surrounding or incomplete dissolution of the salt caused result of this experiment to be lower than the supposed heat capacity of the salt.
1.      What is the difference between specific heat and heat capacity? What are the units for these two quantities? Which is the intensive property and which is the extensive property?
The specific heat is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius or Kelvin. Specific heat is an intensive variable because it is independent of the amount of substance present. It has a unit of Jg-1°C-1  or  Jg-1°K-1.
The heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat required to change its temperature by one degree Celsius or Kelvin, where the mass of the substance is not considered. It has a unit of J°C-1. The heat capacity is an extensive variable since a large quantity of matter will have a proportionally higher heat capacity. In brief, the heat capacity is dependent on the amount of substance present.
2.      A 20.94 g sample of an unknown metal is heated to 99.4oC in a hot water bath until thermal equilibrium is reached.  The metal is quickly transferred to 100 ml of water at 22.0 oC contained in a Styrofoam cup.  The thermal equilibrium temperature of the
metal plus water mixture is 24.6 oC.  What is the specific heat of the metal?
      Mass of water = Density (water) x volume (water)
                             = 1 g/cm3 x 100cm3
                             = 100 g
      Heat lost by metal = - (Heat gained by water)
      Specific heat (metal) x mass (metal) x ∆Tmetal = - [Specific heat (water) x mass
      (water) x ∆Twater ]
      s x 20.94 x (24.6 – 99.4) = - [4.184 x 100 x (24.6 – 22.0)]
      s = 0.6945 Jg-1°C-1
The specific heat of the metal is 0.6945 Jg-1°C-1.

3.      Magnesium metal reacts with hydrochloride acid according to the following equation.
                        Mg (s)  +  2HCl (aq)   à   Mg Cl2 (aq)  +  H2 (g)
      When 0.425 g of magnesium was added to 150.0ml of 1.00 M HCl in a coffee-cup
calorimeter the temperature of the solution increased from 24.5 oC to 35.3 oC. Given
that the heat capacity of the calorimeter is 125 J/oC and that the density of the HCl
solution is 1.00 g/ml, calculate the heat released per mole of magnesium.
Qsystem = Ccalorimeter x ∆T
                     = 125 JoC-1 x (35.3 – 24.5)oC
                     = 1350 J
      Number of moles of Mg =
                                              = 0.0177 mol
Heat released per mole of Mg =
                                                         = 76235.29 J/mol
                                                      = 76.24 kJ/mol

Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on the results of the experiment, the specific heat of copper is 0.808 Jg-1°C-1.
The heat capacity of Na2S2O3 is 1.525 J.

Two layers or more polyform cups could be used to provide better heat insulation. Wind shield could be placed around the set up of the experiment to minimize the air flow, which would increase the rate of heat transfer to the surrounding through conduction, convection and radiation.
A thermometer of greater sensitivity could be used.
During the experiment, all fans should be switched off to minimize air resistance.


·         Chang, Raymond (2003). General Chemistry.3rded. New York: McGraw-Hill
·         Umland and Bellama (1999). General Chemistry. 3rd ed. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company
·         Zumdahl, Steven S (2005). Chemical Principals. 5thed. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company

 # PERINGATAN! dont just copy paste dis exprmnt. make it as references kayh ^_^# luv u my very nice viewer & beloved follower.. detailed ^^

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